

KEYINVEST is an innovative build-to-suit Enpower FTZ product that addresses customers’ industry-specific investment needs and requirements. It is structured by one of Enpower’s partners to assist potential investors identify, develop and finance their projects and to construct project facilities located within the free zone to international standards, at the lowest cost possible. The Turnkey solution options include: Long-term basis: Enpower FTZ builds and delivers the facility as per customer specifications on a predetermined long lease arrangement. Ownership basis: Enpower FTZ builds and delivers the facility as per customer requirements, budget and timeline. One of our technical partners provides full consultancy services, for a pre-operational fee, to potential Investors in the Enugu Free trade zone/Industrial park interested in taking advantage of the KEYINVEST Project development program. The consortium is ready, willing and able to provide up to 85% of the Total Investment Capital (TIC) to potential FTZE/FTZC investors in the Enpower-FTZ.