How To Invest

How To Invest

Interested investors in the Enugu Free Trade zone (Enpower-FTZ) can apply for a license to operate within the zone as:

A Free Trade Zone Enterprise (FTZE)
A Free Trade Zone Company (Export Processing Factory or Export Processing Farm (FTZC))

These Licenses are;

Enugu Free Trade Zone Licenses

All licenses granted by Enpower – FTZ to free trade zone enterprises or companies shall be operated in accordance with the investment procedures, regulations and operational guidelines for the Enpower Free Trade Zone established pursuant to the Nigeria Export Processing Zone Act No. 63 of1992, under the supervision, monitoring and regulations of the Nigeria Export Processing Zones Authority (NEPZA).

Free Trade Zone Enterprise License (FTZE)

License granted by the Authority/Free Trade Zone Management for an enterprise to undertake an approved activity within a Free Zone. These activities could be: Manufacturing, Trading or Service Provision

Free Trade Zone Company (Export Processing Factory/Export Processing Farm License (FTZC))

License granted by the Authority/Free Trade Zone management to an export-oriented manufacturing company or farm located within the free-zone customs territory, which has the capacity to export over 75% of its production

How to apply for licenses

How to apply for licenses